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    • Social Relating

      The importance of play with other children under the guidance of the teacher, cannot be underestimated in a child’s development. Sharing, etiquette, and communication are as important as the motor skills, creativity and cooperation learned.

    • Mathematics

      Number recognition, writing, counting, addition and subtraction are taught through hands on learning games and visual aids.

    • Art Time

      Children sharpen their art skills and learn to explore their creativity. Each day children draw and paint a a picture of what we learned about for science that day.

    • Reading Skills

      Character recognition, writing, phonics and blending sounds together, are taught in fun and easy-to-remember ways.

    • Science

      Children learn interesting scientific facts about the world around them. Each month we learn about a new subject.

    • Music Time

      Children learn the fun of group participation in music and it’s usefulness as a tool for memorization.

    • We believe all children are special and come with their own unique set of abilities and strengths. Chrysalis Preschool is proud to be part of the All Means all Program certifying all of our teachers in the “Special Needs Endorsement”.

      Miss Wendy, M.Ed.
      Owner, Chrysalis Preschool